
Vomet Ltd.

Trstínska cesta 19
917 01, Trnava

Tel: +421 (0) 33 590 37 11, 55 - operator

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 15:45

Sale and goods dispensing from the warehouse:
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 15:45

Company ID:
362 391 86
Tax ID: 2020165620

The company is registered in the District Court of Trnava, Section: s.r.o. (ltd), File number: 12264/T.

Subsidiary in Košice:
Južná trieda 78
040 01, Košice

Tel: +421 (0) 55 685 47 07

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday
7:00 - 16:00

Goods dispensing from the warehouse:
Monday - Friday
7:30 - 15:45

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